PROGRAM: OTS TRAINING, shareware version. DESCRIPTION: OTS Training is a program designed to develop and certify as qualified the employees of an organization. OTS Training is a powerful tool that gives you these significant benefits: * When audited, you can prove that your employees are trained, qualified and certified for their job position and operation. * Elimination of informal training, where there is no certaity of what was covered in the training and what are the qualifications of trainer. * Prevents non-conformance to company procedures and regulations issued by external entities. * Can significantly reduce the time and effort of the training manager, while improving results. * Through better developed employees, overall performance and competitiveness of the organization is improved. FEATURES: * Trainings can be designed through the creation and grouping of training components (called "elements"in program). This modular approach facilitates the creation of new trainings by using existing elements. * Trainigs can be associated or related to: - Job Classification - Procedures and Regulations - Operations - Employees. - Skills. * Creates registers for trainigs given. * Automatic creation of employee development plans, based on job classification requirements. * Credit employees' experience as training taken. * Employee education/training/seminar history. * Facilitates the management of refresher trainings through alerts on screen. * Generates training guides for instructor and trainees. * Generate training notifications. * Built in hypertext user manual and Training Primer. Here you will find many ideas for developing a training program for your organization. MAJOR DATA FILES: Department.................Department information. Employee Data..............Employee information. Element....................Training elements. Training Master............Trainings (design). Training Register..........Trainings (given). Job Classification.........Job Classification training requirements. Regulations & Procedures...Regulation, procedures and training requirements. Operation..................Operations and training requirements. Skill......................Skills and levels. Employee Development.......Employee development plan. OTS Training has been deigned so that most of required information can be obtained or viewed on a real time basis. In those instances where a hard copy of the data is needed, reports can be be printed directly from screen being viewed. In addition there are many pre-defined reports and forms. Runs under DOS or Microsoft Windows 3.11 and Windows95. Runs on 80386 and up computers. See MEMORY.TXT file for tips on setting up memory. For more information: On Time Systems (787) 250-7602 Internet E-Mail : Internet : VENDORS: See VENDOR.TXT file. PRICE: Shareware version: $99. Price is subject to change. See inside program for more information. To install: a. Type README on DOS prompt. b. Type INSTALL on DOS prompt. HISTORY: Version Date Changes 1.00 03/06/96 Program released. 1.10 10/29/96 New price and minor clerical changes. 2.00 05/26/97 Hypertext manual and Training Primer added. Security file added. Spelling and clerical changes. 2.20 06/12/97 Add Element Objectives. Replace Instructor Guide and Training reports with Training Guide report.